Jon Stevens - Corowa RSL Club
Have we mentioned we have been working with Corowa RSL Club and Jon Stevens to bring you an amazing night of entertainment?? Yes we absolutely did mention it didn't we! BUT, we feel like it needs to be said again because a) it's soon so you better get organised and b) this is the first in a series of concerts Corowa RSL will be holding.We hear ya! We're excited too!! But don't tell us, tell your friends! Tell your friend's friends. Tell your neighbours, colleagues......tell your boss (but only if you actually like them and want to see them on the weekend). Tell your coaches, trainers, school mums, school dads, the teachers, random door knockers, the doctor, dentist, whoever scans your groceries..........tell your kids, aunties, uncles, cousins, Granny, Grandad........for the love of Jon tell that crazy ol' Aunty who dances on tables at family functions because she's gonna be fun to have there!
We're psyched. We're getting prepped. We're warming up the vocals to sing along. Let's do it!!
Tickets at www.123tix.com.au