Connect with your users – start early

IMAGE: Connect with users - Glownet
The success of your event depends on your ability to build a connection with your users. From the first moment they hear about your event up to the moment they tell their friends about the great experience they had. Our focus is usually on giving users the most amazing time while being physically at the event. And it is true that this is where the real magic happens. Not only people to be delighted by music, friends and fun, they expect the smoothest and most frictionless experience possible. Using automated ticket validation, optimised access control and a cashless infrastructure go a long way in giving users an amazing experience at your event.
Start engagement early
Engagement starts way before your users reach the front gate. Far in advance you’ll need to engage the customers to drive awareness and ticket sales. A good starting point for engagement is the worlds largest social gathering; Facebook.
There are three types of Facebook ads we recommend to promote your event. These are designed to boost ticket sales, drive event responses and expand reach of your Facebook posts.
Sell more tickets: This type of ad has a “Buy Tickets” call-to-action button on it. By pressing the button it will take the user automatically to either your website, ticketing partner or any other format you are using to sell tickets.
Increase event responses: Similar to the previous ad format, instead of a buy option, there will be a button for users to mark if they’re attending or interested in the event. This will allow you build a pool of influences and followers to drive additional engagement and sales.
Post promotion: As one of the most common types of ad, it allows you to boost your Facebook post with the intention of reaching audiences likely to engage with your content.
An optimised and consistent user journey is the key
It is important to create a user journey that is consistent and optimised. Never look at marketing, ticketing, on-site and post-event separately. It all comes together as one customer journey. To ensure this, you’ll need to make sure all your marketing efforts are aligned and well integrated with your ticketing partner. Users hate entering data multiple times and will be very vocal if you don’t show you care about them every step of the way. Following this, you’ll need to ensure ticketing data flows directly into your access and onsite efforts. This is why Glownet has developed an extensive set of APIs that integrates with all major ticketing platforms. This allows us to facilitate real time box-office sales, ticket validation and profile integration. Together we enable the ultimate customer journey, where (social) marketing flows through ticket sales into the best live onsite experience. Interested to learn more? Get in touch.